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Veteran Horse Society: Panel Judges.

We welcome and encourage all new applications from those with an extensive level of showing knowledge and experience to those who have a passion and interest in veteran horses.


We have 3 grades of judges ranging from trainee to Advisory and welcome everyone from any level of showing.


Should you have any queries or wish to discuss any aspect of becoming a VHS Judge please contact Head Office.


Please Email Julianne Aston marking it ‘judges’ or telephone 01239 881300 between 10am – 2pm or mobile after 6pm or weekends 07789 514004


Application Documents Below.


Judging the National Veteran Championships
SBM_06679 Katie Naish Dublin Lass.JPG
SBM_18006 Diamond Supreme Reserve Champion - Laura Kenyon-Brodie and Maysong (aged 26).JPG

Panel Judges Application Process 

Saturday 10th May 2025 at

The Spring Festival

Rugby Riding Club




Application must be made on the official VHS form accompanied by a non-refundable fee of £50.00 which includes one years VHS membership. You must be 21 years or over to apply.


Should you wish to apply for a Junior Training Panel, you must be between the ages of 18-20 years and complete the appointed application form. Probationary period is for 2 years, where then you may apply for assessment on the year of your 21st birthday.


On receipt of your application form and fee the VHS will send you a current rule book and score sheet. All applicants will attend an Assessment day at the VHS Spring Festival, where you will be required to sit a closed rule book test and interview, you will also be required to steward.

The venue, date and time will be advised when appropriate.


During this Assessment the relevant VHS personnel will determine:


If probationary shows are required


If the applicant is successful and awarded approved VHS Judge status at either level “B” or “A”

If the applicant is denied


You will be notified of their decision within two weeks of your assessment.

Applicants required to probation will be given a number of ‘A’ panel judges names which you must receive permission from the judge to probation with. You cannot probation with the same judge at different shows and you cannot probation at the same show. You must also receive permission from the show secretary to probation at their show.


Before you attend the show make sure you have read and understand the current VHS rule book and have the necessary score sheets with you. Please remember to conduct yourself as a VHS judge during your probationary classes and dress accordingly.


Your file will be reviewed by the VHS after completion of your probationary shows and depending on the number of shows required these should normally be completed within twelve months.

After reviewing your file, should more probationary shows be needed then you will be advised accordingly.

Application for VHS Judge

Judges Upgrade Application

Probationary Judges  Form

VHS Judges Membership Application Form 

Should you have any questions in relation to the above please contact us.


To upgrade to the A panel you will have needed to be on the B panel for at least 2 years and have judged a minimum of 6 Area qualifiers and then apply for an upgrade.  This assessment will be done at the judges assessment day the cost is £25.00.


Should you have any queries or concerns as to the evaluation on the day or the conduct of you approved judge then please contact us within 7 days of the show so any action, if appropriate, can be taken using the following:


Veteran Horse Society Ltd, c/o Mr N A Vale, VHS Judges Co-ordinator, 8 Barrack Close, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B75 7HB.


07805 397 144

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